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This morning as I was walking the dog, a gentleman of a headbanger-ish persuasion passed me on the sidewalk. He was a scruffy but otherwise unremarkable specimen, and I didn�t give him more than a passing glance as he approached. �Excuse me,� he said pleasantly as we neared each other.

�Yeah?� I said, expecting to be asked for a cigarette or street directions.

�Can I have your number?� he asked.

�Uh�no, sorry,� I laughed. Gotta give him credit for trying, right? Just keep swinging there, slugger!

�Too bad,� he called over his shoulder as I walked away. �I�ve got a huge dick.� Bwahaha!

You know, I think seven-thirty AM is just far too early for any sort of public pronouncements about your genitalia. That�s really more of an after-nine-PM, stumbling-out-of-the-pub sort of activity, wouldn't you agree? Someone should write down rules of etiquette for these situations. I should shoulder the burden, since I have such a finely honed sense of social subtleties. I could be the Miss Manners for the new millennium. (�It is advisable to wait for the third date before showing your prospective Mr/Mrs Right your collection of amputee porn. Any sooner could be perceived as indelicate.�)

Anyway, naturally I ran after Long Dong Halen and we made sweet monkey love until I had to catch my bus. Who could resist such silver-tongued wooing?

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