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Hey there kiddies � hope your weekend was as fantastic as mine. This weekend�s entertainment brought to you in part by 28 Days Later. That movie is the best fucking thing since hot brains. The phrase �Repent � the end is very fucking nigh� is going on my goddamn gravestone.

Drunken hijinks on Saturday night � an outdoor screening of Hedwig and the Angry Inch (for Ottawa�s Pride day) was unexpectedly cancelled due to a sudden and violent inundation from the skies, which left no option but to run from pub to pub in an attempt to stay dry (�stay dry� in the literal sense, of course � certainly not in the twelve-step �assuming responsibility for one�s actions� sense). The evening started off very promisingly, so I can only assume it finished with equivalent success and not at all with me making a drunken ass of myself in a crappy Irish pub. My recollections are a bit hazy on that front.

Yesterday�s debilitating hangover led to remedial rented movies on the couch, and the subsequent realization that Jack Black in Jesus� Son is my new personal hero. (�What exactly do you do around here?� �I save lives.�)

Tune in tomorrow, when you will hear me say, �Jesus goddamn Christ I fucking hate my banjo-playing, fried-chicken-eating, porch-sitting, racket-making, sister-fucking downstairs neighbors.�

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