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I had my very first Diaryland Meet & Greet on Saturday, and I must say, if Saturday�s coolness level is indicative of the state of things on Diaryland in general, I want to take you all home and cover you with butter.

JonasParker, a friend of his and I met up for drinks at one of the less dismally boring local watering holes, and ended up at another marginally tolerable pub, via a completely intolerable one (although the sparkly-boob girl was at least good for a laugh). Entertainment in Ottawa being in short supply, we made our own: rating fellow bar patrons on their drunkenness levels on a scale of one to ten, for example (little miss �vertical stripes are so NOT slimming� getting the coveted designation of �Her drunk-O-meter goes up to eleven!�), and deciding that Hubba Bubba gum should actually be called �I Can�t Believe It�s Not Grout!�

We were disgorged from the bar at closing time, only to discover that Ottawa had been magically shrunk and inserted into a snow globe. The amount of precipitation happening in Ottawa over this last weekend was quite simply unreasonable. Saturday night it gave rise to an epic search for a cab that would have been greatly facilitated by the services of a team of Sherpas, punctuated by a lot of yelling of �What the FUCK!!!� and �If I go, just promise that you�ll eat my ass first!�

Definitely a night to file under �fond and/or blurry memories.�

And hey, check out the new Classic My Ass entry, y'all!

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