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I�m possessed of a superlative ennui today. I am SO fucking bored I wrote a sonnet. About being cold. Featuring the word �fuck� about 100% more frequently than your average pantywaist Browning pap, I�d wager. Enjoy.

Far from the whirling maelstrom of the snow,
Ensconced between these fugly partial walls,
I bullshit about crap I do not know
As yon a twinkling shower gently falls.
Now winter waxes at its howling peak,
And indoor heating offers sweet relief;
Alas, the management, those fucking freaks,
Mistake me for a butchered side of beef.
I long to feel blood rushing through my toes,
And though I hate to work I�d like to type;
Boredom is swift eclipsed by other woes
As shivers interrupt my mumbled gripe:
My lips are stiff and blue, yet I entreat,
�For fuck�s sake, what the FUCK! Turn on the heat!�

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