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Government employees who produce letters and/or briefing documents in the course of their duties, please take note:

"More than" and "over"? Not interchangeable. Same goes for "less than" and "fewer than".

"Liase with" may technically be acceptable, but using it in lieu of "meet with" or "correspond with" makes you sound like an ass.

"Impact"? Not a verb. Really, it isn't! Nor is "partner". And "action"? REALLY not.

You can certainly "support" an idea, or even an initiative, but this "supporting" of all and sundry that's going on, including but not limited to announcements, cooperation, views, "roll-outs", and experience, is repetitive, irritating, and verging on nonsensical.

Never, ever, EVER say "operationalize" in my presence. I will smack you in the teeth, mark my words.

Sorry, had to get that out of my system.

I spoke to my Other Best Friend in Calgary last night. She's way pregnant - due on Saturday, in fact. I'm still reeling over the fact that someone I went to high school with is about to become a mother. (On purpose, I mean.) She is going to be the best mother in the history of the world, of course, but god! I just feel like we're still so YOUNG! Both of my best friends are married now, to absolutely wonderful gents, OBF is popping out a wee sprog, and here I am, still living the crazy single life. Ah well. I wouldn't wish a marriage to me, or myself as a mother, on my worst enemy.

I just received an interesting bit of news. There's a year-long assignment opening up in the Directorate, in a project officer position. I hadn't thought much about it one way or another, but apparently the team leader had specifically thought of ME for the spot. Wowza. It wouldn't be a pay raise, but in terms of advancement in the government, it's really good to have experience as a project officer. It would be a step away from writing and editing, though, and that's really what I want to do; so it's a tough call.

Wow, look at me, talking about career choices and folks having babies! When did I all of a sudden become an adult? Fuck this noise. I think I need to go get ridiculously loaded and behave badly to remind myself that although I may be getting older, I sure as hell ain't getting any more mature.

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