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I�m really living the life of the unemployed now, lounging around in my pajamas until mid-afternoon and familiarizing myself with late-late-late-night TV programming. The �Shouldn�t You Be Asleep By Now� feature film the other night was Crimson Pirate. Brilliant! Starring: Burt Lancaster�s Package. Also starring: Burt Lancaster�s Frightening Pompadour. Featuring: Burt Lancaster in drag, on a donkey cart. Also featuring much capering about in striped knee breeches, proving my assertion that capering is best performed in skin-tight pants � observe, for example, the Toreador pant, and the Lederhosen. And also, the Village People. I�m not sure exactly why tailored pantaloons so greatly facilitate the capering experience: I think it has to do with ease of movement, and enhanced groinal showcasing. I�m thinking of applying for a government grant to study the phenomenon. Or maybe I�ll just GET A FUCKING JOB. Argh!

Oh, I think perhaps it is Canada Day today. Yay Canada! and so forth. I�m not homesick yet, although there are certain things I miss, like 24-hour convenience stores. The closest thing I can find to 24-hour service in this neighborhood, besides the ubiquitous curry take-aways, is a nearby funeral parlour that offers, confusingly, �Day and Night Funerals�; which would naturally come in very handy when you�re in a pinch and need a memorial service at 2 AM. Sadly, my nocturnal desires for flapjacks are not so easily fulfilled (probably for the best, sayeth my ass).

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