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Men in suits and ties really shouldn�t carry loose change in their pockets. That jingle of coins really drives home the �fat cat capitalist� impression. Whenever I hear a man in a suit jingling the change in his pockets, it reminds me of the homeless street punks I used to hang out with: the suits with AUDIBLE MONEY in their pockets were always the ones who wouldn�t even acknowledge the filthy presence of a ragamuffin panhandler, let alone cough up a spare quarter. I still get a hankering for kickin� when I hear that sound.

In keeping with my recent theme of picking on hippies (capitalists, socialists�no �ist� is safe from my all-encompassing derision!): For some reason, this morning I remembered a dialogue I heard on a late-night college radio show years and years ago. The hosts were talking about the game �Hungry Hungry Hippos.�

�I had that game when I was a kid. I think I pounded on the hippos a bit too hard, though, because after a while they stopped working.�

�The hippos didn�t work?�


�The game should have been called �Hungry Hungry Hippies,� then, shouldn�t it?�


Feel free to follow Rachel�s example and post your favourite hippie-disparaging jokes in my Comments section! It�s spring, after all, and as the weather (theoretically) warms up, the hippies are starting to get ripe. Best to pick on them while they�re fresh.

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