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Yesterday a building in Toronto fell down while being demolished. One would think that the �falling down� part would be anticipated � nay, verily welcomed as proof of a demolition job well done; however, this was evidently not the case and nobody was expecting it to come down (�Jumping Jehosephat! That wall, which has been pounded continuously by a wrecking ball for the past three hours, is falling down! Scurry madly, everyone!�), and some poor bugger got crushed. This is very sad. His poor family, and so forth.

A bystander was recorded as saying, �It just went over like a ton of bricks.� I love this. Dude: it fucking was a ton of bricks; I�m not sure what else it could go over like. Perhaps you should invest in a new simile.

In even weirder news, I had my office Christmas lunch today, and I didn�t hate it. What�s more, I liked it. I ended up sitting next to the Minister, and she was just all-around pleasant. She didn�t even seem to mind when I spilled my fourth glass of wine on her lap and copped a feel while I was mopping it up.

I�m only joking. It was my tenth glass of wine.

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