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So that�s it � Chr�tien prorogued Parliament today (or "funked up the P-Funk" as we say in the biz); there was no immediately apparent reason for his haste in doing so other than his usual reason for everything: to fuck with people�s minds. I�m going to miss that cantankerous, Bush-hating old frog. Both my immediate supervisors are political staff (rather than departmental), so when the cabinet shuffle comes down the pipe, whenever that may be, both of them will be out of a job (assuming that the Minister doesn�t keep this portfolio, which, if EVERY SINGLE PUNDIT ON PARLIAMENT HILL is not mistaken, she won�t. Fuckity!). I am telling you, every time I wind up with a boss I like, fate says ha ha that�s what YOU think, sucka and poof! No more positive work environment!

Oh well. My job is fairly secure, anyway. And that�s good, because I�m getting rather accustomed to the presence of natural light. (Just when my fluorescent-radiation-spawned tumour was getting nice and plump, too.) Behold my view!

Water and buildings and highways oh my!

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