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On the bus today, I saw an ad for a birth control pill called �Alesse.� The slogan was �A lesson in career choices.� (�Alesse�? �A lesson�? Woo-ha! Some ad exec sure is earning their pay!) The ad features a picture of a woman with a big creepy smile, sitting with her chin propped on her hand, and a cell phone in her hand, so the phone is, like, resting sideways on her shoulder. Underneath her it says �Do what you love and the rest will follow.� Hmmm. What exactly is it that she loves? Whatever it is, I hope it doesn�t necessitate phone skills. And what the flaming fuck does that have to do with birth control, might I ask? I guess what she �loves� is having unprotected sex and not, you know, breeding. Well, I can certainly get behind that.

Next to that ad was some propaganda for a pro-life organization. This particular cult really chafes my ass, because it poses as a counselling centre for pregnant teens, offering confidential pregnancy tests, etc. Once they shepherd the already-frightened kids in the door, they tell them all sorts of fabricated horror stories about abortion. Apparently the answer to �What would Jesus do?� is �Lie to vulnerable kids.� I just like that it was next to the birth control ad. Great message. Listen to this leering model, kids! She may not know how to use a telephone, but she knows how to tame her ovaries! You don�t want to end up sitting in a locked basement room with a dead-eyed Jesus drone, being told that abortions are actually performed with barbeque tongs, do ya?

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