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Well, peeps, Your Humble Servant is moving up in the world. On Friday I had my first meeting with the new Director of my unit. He seems like a pretty cool guy, as evidenced by the fact that he used the word "fuck" within five minutes of introducing himself - I'm always more comfortable around people who don't get their panties in a wad over my occasional, judicious use of profanity - and also by the fact that he asked me to take on some writing assignments. Yes, you heard me. The suckers are going to PAY ME to WRITE. Me. Writing. For money. Big fat SCORE! You may all e-mail me now to tell me how much I rock. I have no idea what the hell I'll be writing, but I don't honestly give a shit. I'll draft the guy's fucking grocery list if it means I can put the word 'writing' on my resume. Most likely it'll be briefing-type documents concerning stuff of which I don't have the foggiest understanding; which will assuredly cause me to curl up in a ball and cry because I'll be convinced I've provided the wrong information (I don't cope well with new challenges - can you tell?). He also said that he's going to try to see to it that I have more control when doing substantive edits on correspondence - that is to say, when I see a letter come across my desk that, in my opinion, doesn't have a damn thing to do with the incoming request, and frankly appears to have been written by someone sorely lacking in the frontal lobe department, I can actually raise concerns about the content and be listened to, rather than just being extra-specially vicious with my red pen and waiting for someone higher up on the food chain to notice that the letter is full of crap. Good stuff.

The Fiftymen are my new favourite local band. And I'm not just saying that because Todd bought me Jagermeister shooters. If you're in Ottawa, go see them! They rule.

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