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Today is "Take Your Kids to Work" day. All I have to say about that is AAAAUUUGH! I've been ducking behind filing cabinets all day to avoid the roving herds of ninth-graders. I swear to god, if someone brings one of them into my office, I'm going to tell them that my job consists of stapling Post-It notes to my face, and that I have a flask of gin in my pants RIGHT NOW. Yes, in my PANTS. Begone, demon spawn!

In other news, I made a mix CD last night from MP3s I've been downloading from Kazaa. It takes a long-ass time to download files with a dial-up connection, and since I don't have any 'large, interesting files' to share, my participation level is low, so I get bumped to the back of the line if several people are trying to download the same file. Also, the speaker connection on my computer is pooched for some reason, so I can't listen to the files straight from my computer - I have to burn them to CD first. And once I burn an audio file onto a CD, I can't re-write over it or add anything else (or maybe I can and I'm just too bonked to figure out how), so I've been waiting to hear all my songs until I have enough of them to make a decent-length CD. All this to say that this mix CD has been a long time coming. A long time, filled with periodic bursts of me shouting "Fuck you, you TWAT!" at my computer when I get that 'More sources needed' message on my Traffic screen.

But I FINALLY collected about 20 songs, and burned them onto a CD - of course, burning a CD takes fucking forever too. But I did it, and popped in the CD to listen to it. Awesome. Robyn Hitchcock, great, Danielson Family, HA!, Sugarplastic, awesome, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, awesome, My Bloody Valentine, rock�WHAT THE FUCK? Instead of 'Waterfall' by the Stone Roses, I heard that god-fucking-awful 'Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls' song by TLC. I immediately had an aneurysm, and blood gushed forth from my ears. After I mopped that up, I dunked my stereo in a tub of bleach. Motherfuckers! I found that song by doing a search under STONE ROSES. I didn't just randomly download a song called 'Waterfall' and assume it was them. What, does some assbag think he's being funny? If so, he can take my word for it that he is ten gallons of festering turd in a five-gallon bucket. Now I have to burn a whole new CD, because I'd rather eat rat shit than hear TLC in my own home. Some things are beyond the pale.

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